Noise Insulation and Vibration Damping Materials

Read Our Environmental Policy

W.S.B.L. Environmental Policy

WSBL Ltd, led by our senior management recognise that our operations have an impact on the environment in several ways and are committed to minimise our environmental impact and carbon footprint.

This will be achieved through continual improvement in our environmental performance and, by achieving ISO 14001:2015 certification, especially regarding waste materials, energy use and noise.

This will be implemented by firstly measuring, monitoring, and controlling all operations around the business and making improvements.

The company is in the process of or have projects running to achieve the following:

Get In Touch

If you would like to find out more about acoustic insulation, discuss your project requirements, or if you would like to purchase our products for your project then get in touch with WSBL Ltd today,  a leading independent designer, manufacturer and supplier of bespoke acoustic insulation materials and products for both the UK and Overseas markets.